Trợ giúp về API MediaWiki

This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.

Documentation and examples:


(main | cirrus-check-sanity)
  • This module is internal or unstable, and you should not use it. Its operation may change without notice.
  • Mô đun này cần quyền đọc.
  • Source: CirrusSearch
  • License: GPL-2.0-or-later

Reports on the correctness of a range of page ids in the search index

Các tham số:
Other general parameters are available.

The search cluster to check indices in

Một trong các giá trị: cloudelastic, codfw, eqiad
Default: codfw

Page id to start checking at

This parameter is required.
Type: integer
The value must be no less than 0.

The number of page ids to check

Type: integer or max
The value must be between 1 and 500.
Default: 100

The number of times this set of page ids has been checked

Type: integer

Number of checks after which a page should be rerendered. Based off the provided sequenceid.

Type: integer
The value must be no less than 2.
Default: 16
Ví dụ:
Get a report on the correctness of a range of page ids in the search index
api.php?action=cirrus-sanity-check&from=0&limit=100 [open in sandbox]