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Trợ giúp:Giới thiệu về sửa đổi bằng Mã đánh dấu Wiki/6

Bách khoa toàn thư mở Wikipedia

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Tổng kết
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  • Wiki markup is a simple source code language for Wikipedia.
  • You can view and edit the source code of almost any page on Wikipedia by clicking "Edit source".
  • The Edit toolbar at the top of the page can do some formatting for you.
  • The Help  menu on the Edit toolbar contains a list of markup rules.
  • Format ==Headings== by placing text between = signs.
  • Make text '''bold''' or ''italic'' by placing it between ' apostrophes.
  • [[Links]] within Wikipedia are added using [[]] square brackets.
  • Remember to provide an edit summary when you save!
  • You can create new pages using the Article wizard, as long as the topic is notable, has reliable sources, and isn't a conflict of interest.

Detailed information

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