Bước tới nội dung

Bản mẫu:Đi đến cuối trang/doc

Bách khoa toàn thư mở Wikipedia

Cách sử dụng (en)

[sửa mã nguồn]

Place {{Đi đến cuối trang}} on discussion pages that tend to get long. A small floating box with "skip to bottom/skip to TOC" links will appear in the upper-right corner.

Use {{Đi đến cuối trang|notoc=yes}} to place the "Skip to bottom" link without the "Skip to TOC" link.

The box normally appears at about the height of where the phrase "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" appears, just below the separator line. This change was made intentionally because it originally was right at the very top of the article, so the box is on the same line as the title. The problem with this is that, on longer named article titles, the box would end up "parking" over them, which would obscure part of the article's title, which looks tacky, amateurish, and unprofessional. If the article this template is used on has a very short title, (less than about 20 characters including any prefixes like template:) and you think it is appropriate to place this box on the title line, then you may use {{Đi đến cuối trang|force=yes}} which will force the box on the same position as the article's title. Please, please do not use |force=yes unless you have checked how the page will look in other modes, including on narrow viewers like mobile dxevices. If in doubt, leave it out.

  1. Bản mẫu:Đầu trang
  2. Bản mẫu:Đi đến cuối trang
  3. Bản mẫu:Đi đến thảo luận
  4. Bản mẫu:Đi đến đề mục
  5. Bản mẫu:Trở về nội dung
  6. Bản mẫu:Đi đến đầu trang và cuối trang