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Bản mẫu:Internet Archive

Bách khoa toàn thư mở Wikipedia

Internet Archive trên Internet Archive

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Cách sử dụng

[sửa mã nguồn]

Cho liên kết của dạng https://archive.org/details/ID

* {{Internet Archive|id=ID|name=NAME}}
* {{Internet Archive|ID|NAME}}
* {{Internet Archive|ID}}

Parameter ID is the Internet Archive collection identifier - e.g., for https://archive.org/details/alicesadventures19002gut the ID is alicesadventures19002gut. This field is required.

Parameter NAME defaults to the page name if omitted, but is useful (to avoid problems if the page is moved later to a title with parentheses, for instance).

This template can be invoked using the {{IA}} shortcut.