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Bản mẫu:Thông tin núi

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Cách sử dụng

[sửa mã nguồn]

Mọi tham số đều là tuỳ chọn. Các tham số |Tên=, |Độ cao=, |Vị trí= là tham số nên có. The following parameters can be used to create an infobox for a mountain, hill, massif, or a mountain or hill range. Please remove any parameters that are not likely to be useful.

Độ cao{{{elevation}}}{{{elevation_ref}}}
Phần lồi{{{prominence}}}{{{prominence_ref}}}
Cách lyCách {{{isolation_parent}}}
Độ cao đỉnh mẹ{{{parent_peak}}}
Danh sách{{{listing}}}
Phiên dịch{{{translation}}} ({{{language}}})
Phiên âm IPA{{{pronunciation}}}
Vị trí
Vị trí{{{location}}}
Dãy núi{{{range}}}
Lưới OS{{{grid_ref_UK}}}
Lưới OSI/OSNI{{{grid_ref_Ireland}}}
Tọa độ{{{coordinates}}}{{{coordinates_ref}}}
Bản đồ địa hình{{{topo}}}
Địa chất
Tuổi đá{{{age}}}
Cung núi lửa{{{volcanic_arc}}}
Phun trào gần nhất{{{last_eruption}}}
Leo núi
Chinh phục lần đầu{{{first_ascent}}}
Hành trình dễ nhất{{{easiest_route}}}
Hành trình bình thường{{{normal_route}}}
Quyền truy cập{{{access}}}
Without photo_size
{{Infobox mountain
| name                  = 
| other_name            = 
| photo                 = 
| photo_size            = 
| photo_upright         =
| photo_alt             = 
| photo_caption         = 
<!-- MAP CODE TBA -->
| map                   = 
<!----------------------- HIGHEST POINT -->
| highest               = 
| highest_location      = 
| elevation             = 
| elevation_m           = 
| elevation_ft          = 
| elevation_ref         = 
| elevation_system      = 
| prominence            = 
| prominence_m          = 
| prominence_ft         = 
| prominence_ref        = 
| parent_peak           = 
| isolation             = 
| isolation_km          = 
| isolation_mi          = 
| isolation_parent      = 
| isolation_ref         = 
| listing               = 
| coordinates           = 
| coordinates_ref       = 
<!----------------------- DIMENSIONS -->
| length                = 
| length_km             = 
| length_mi             = 
| length_orientation    = 
| length_ref            = 
| width                 = 
| width_km              = 
| width_mi              = 
| width_orientation     = 
| width_ref             = 
| area                  = 
| area_km2              = 
| area_mi2              = 
| area_ref              = 
| volume                = 
| volume_km3            = 
| volume_mi3            = 
| volume_ref            = 
<!----------------------- NAMING -->
| etymology             = 
| nickname              = 
| native_name           = <!-- {{native name}} or {{native name list}} -->
| native_name_lang      = <!-- not used by |native_name= -->
| translation           = 
| pronunciation         = 
| authority             = 
<!----------------------- GEOGRAPHY -->
| location              = <!-- While location is not deprecated, use of country,state,region,district is preferred -->
| country_type          = <!-- For Antarctica, set to Continent -->
| country               = <!-- If multiple, use {{enum}} or {{hlist}}. country1 to country18 is deprecated. -->
| state_type            = 
| state                 = <!-- If multiple, use {{enum}} or {{hlist}}. state1 to state18 is deprecated. -->
| region_type           = 
| region                = <!-- If multiple, use {{enum}} or {{hlist}}. region1 to region23 is deprecated. -->
| district_type         = 
| district              = <!-- If multiple, use {{enum}} or {{hlist}}. district1 to district18 is deprecated. -->
| part_type             = 
| part                  = <!-- If multiple, use {{enum}} or {{hlist}}. part1 to part19 is deprecated. -->
| settlement_type       = Use settlement_type= instead of city_type= (deprecated).
| settlement            = <!-- If multiple, use {{enum}} or {{hlist}}. settlement1 to settlement18 is deprecated. Use settlement= instead of city= (deprecated). -->
| range_coordinates     = 
| range_coordinates_ref = 
| range                 = 
| borders_on            = 
| grid_ref_UK           = 
| grid_ref_UK_ref       = 
| grid_ref_Ireland      = 
| grid_ref_Ireland_ref  = 
| topo_maker            = 
| topo_map              = 
| biome                 = 
<!----------------------- GEOLOGY -->
| formed_by             = 
| orogeny               = 
| age                   = 
| type                  = 
| geology               = 
| volcanic_region       = 
| volcanic_arc          = 
| volcanic_belt         = 
| volcanic_field        = 
| volcanic_arc/belt     = 
| last_eruption         = 
<!----------------------- CLIMBING -->
| first_ascent          = 
| easiest_route         = 
| normal_route          = 
| access                = 
<!----------------------- ATTACHED -->
| embedded              =
| module                =