Bước tới nội dung

Wikipedia:Báo cáo lạm dụng/Hướng dẫn

Bách khoa toàn thư mở Wikipedia

Khi có nhiều hành động phá hoại xuất phát từ một địa chỉ IP, đôi khi cách tốt nhất để xử lý chuyện này là liên hệ trực tiếp với quản trị hệ thống của địa chỉ đó để thông báo cho họ về vấn đề. Cách tiếp cận này có hiệu quả tốt nhất đối với các địa chỉ có thể phản ứng cao đối với các phàn nàn về lạm dụng, chẳng hạn như các trường học, cơ quan chính phủ.

Đây là phương cách cuối cùng! Đây không phải việc nên làm sau một vụ phá hoại nhỏ và ngắn. Phương cách này chỉ dành cho trường hợp một kiểu phá hoại rõ ràng và lâu dài mà không thể xử lý bằng một cách khác mà không khỏi phải dùng đến các biện pháp mang lại hậu quả lớn hơn (chẳng hạn như khóa một dải dài các địa chỉ IP). Nếu đã phải khóa nhiều lần, cảnh cáo nhiều lần, việc khóa vĩnh viễn là không thích hợp hoặc không thể thực hiện, và kẻ phá hoại tiếp tục quay lại ngay khi hết thời hạn khóa, thì đây là nơi thích hợp.

Bắt đầu điều tra như thế nào

[sửa | sửa mã nguồn]
  1. Bắt đầu bằng báo cáo cũ nhất trong danh sách mà bạn có thể xử lý được. Đừng lấy một báo cáo và mở một cuộc điều tra nếu bạn không thể kết thúc điều tra, nhưng ngay cả nếu bạn không có thời gian cho vụ việc, đừng ngại xem xét các cảnh báo mới xem nó có thỏa mãn các tiêu chí ở bước 2 hay không.
  2. Double check the following. If one of these criteria hasn't been fulfilled, reject the request by adding {{ARA|r}} followed by a reason and your signature. The bot will automatically archive the request as rejected.
    1. That the IP(s) has been responsible for a trend of vandalism. Note that it's especially important here that it is in fact vandalism as defined in Wikipedia:Vandalism. Other edits may be frustrating, but are not a reason to contact an ISP. For example, rampant excessive IP sock puppetry in evasion of a ban is a violation of Wikipedia policy, but does not qualify for an abuse report unless the edits made by the IPs are also vandalism.
    2. That the IP(s) has been warned fully (this does not necessarily apply to each and every IP in the case of rampant vandalism from an IP range that is obviously the same user behind the edits, as long as the user can reasonably be seen to have received at least one full set of warnings),
    3. If there are multiple IPs being reported, that they all belong to the same organization,
    4. And that blocking, semi-protection, or similar recourse hasn't solved (or wouldn't solve) the problem; for example, that blocking would affect too many other contributors, previous blocks have been ineffective, the user is vandalizing too many pages to protect, etc.
  3. If all of the above criteria are met, and you can handle the investigation until completed and ready for contact, then move the entry for the case from the New Alerts section to the Under Investigation section of the main page.
  4. Put {{AR talk}} at the top of the IP's talk page to inform other users of the investigation.
  5. A subpage should already exist for the case. Subst the {{AR report}} template at the bottom of the subpage to provide a framework for a case, including the primary IP being reported and your username as the investigator; for example, {{subst:AR report|ip=|user=Example}}.
  6. Edit the subpage to include the results of your investigation. This should include registry information from the WHOIS report, contact information for the abuse department or network administrator, a report containing the address(es), an abuse summary, links to the vandalism (just a few examples are necessary if there are vast amounts), and a summary of all previous blocks. It's also helpful if you can generalize the abuse by time of day, day of week, or other general patterns that would help the organization identify the responsible user(s). (See: Example case.)
  7. When your report is ready, move the case into the Contactor Needed queue for a contactor to take over, or move it directly into the Contactor Assigned section if you plan to make contact yourself.

How to make contact

[sửa | sửa mã nguồn]
  1. Find the appropriate contact information owner of the IP address. This information should be listed in the prepared report. In the WHOIS readout there should be e-mail addresses and frequently telephone numbers for contact with the organization. If there's an OrgAbuse section, use that information first, as it's specifically intended for abuse-related complaints. Otherwise, use the OrgTech contact or whatever else you can find. Also, a Google search for the organization's web page may help find abuse-related contact information (for example, AT&T/Yahoo! DSL has a web-based abuse reporting page).
  2. Telephone contacts are the best way to get an administrator's attention, as it's person to person and very direct. If that's not available or you feel uncomfortable calling, then e-mail is the next best thing. Also, e-mail is a good choice if there's a backlog at WP:ABUSE and you need to move through the cases as quickly as possible.
  3. Always be polite (remember that you're representing Wikipedia, and that rude people don't get helped).
  4. Give a brief explanation of who you are, what Wikipedia is, and a summation of the problem. Explain that you're a volunteer and are not acting in an official capacity, but are concerned about the contributions of an IP address that is under their domain.
  5. Provide a link to the investigation subpage, which contains our summary of the abuse and the links they need to perform their own investigation.
  6. Accept their response, whether it's helpful or otherwise, and thank them for their time.
  7. Each time you make contact, keep a log of your contact; record with whom you spoke and a summary of what was said in the Contact Summary section of the report page. (See: Example case.)
  8. When contact has ceased, whatever the result, list it at the bottom of the page.
  9. Once the case has closed, add the {{ARA|a}} template to the bottom of the page, followed by a brief summary of the final result and your signature. EBot will automatically archive the case on the Actioned page and remove it from the main page.
  10. Remove the {{AR talk}} template from the IP(s) talk page.

For a boilerplate e-mail message, see here. If the response from the organization includes a request you cannot handle yourself, refer them to Wikipedia:Contact us so they can make official contact with the Foundation through e-mail.

List of WHOIS sources

[sửa | sửa mã nguồn]

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