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Bản mẫu:Starbox relpos

Bách khoa toàn thư mở Wikipedia
Vị trí (tương đối so với {{{primary}}})
Thành phần{{{component}}}
Kỷ nguyên quan sát{{{epoch}}}
Khoảng cách góc{{{angdistsec}}}
Khoảng cách góc{{{angdistmas}}} mas
Góc vị trí{{{posang}}}°
Chia tách quan sát được
(dự đoán)
{{{projsep}}} AU
Tài liệu bản mẫu[xem] [sửa] [lịch sử] [làm mới]

Cách sử dụng

[sửa mã nguồn]

This template is part of a group of templates that are used to display information about a specific star. The list should always have {{Starbox begin}} as the first in the list, while the list should have {{Starbox end}} as the last in the list. This template can be used in two ways:

  1. As part of a group of starbox templates which pertain to a primary star which has a companion. In this case, primary should contain the name, designation or letter of this, the primary, star, and component should contain the name, designation or letter of the companion.
  2. As part of a group of starbox templates which pertain to a star whose position relative to another, primary, star is known. In this case, primary should contain the name, designation or letter of the primary star and component need not be used.

This particular template can be used as follows:

{{Starbox relpos
| reference   =   <!-- Grand reference -->
| epoch       =   <!-- Epoch of observation of separation -->
| primary     =   <!--Name of primary star -->
| component   =   <!--Name of star whose separation from the primary star is being displayed -->
| angdistsec  =   <!--Angular distance, in arcseconds (alternatively, use angdistmas)-->
| angdistmas  =   <!--Angular distance, in milliarcseconds (alternatively, use angdistsec) -->
| angdistref  =   <!--Reference for angular distance -->
| posang      =   <!--Position angle, in degrees -->
| posangref   =   <!--Reference for position angle -->
| projsep     =   <!--Observed projected separation, in AU -->
| projsepref  =   <!--Reference for projected separation -->

The following templates are used together and are usually placed in the order listed below.

{{Starbox begin}}
{{Starbox image}}
{{Starbox observe}}
{{Starbox observe 2s}}
{{Starbox observe 3s}}
{{Starbox character}}
{{Starbox astrometry}}
{{Starbox orbit}}
{{Starbox detail}}
{{Starbox relpos}}
{{Starbox catalog}}
{{Starbox reference}}
{{Starbox sources}}
{{Starbox end}}