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Dòng 66: Dòng 66:
But as a student in seminary , I was challenged to believe that God also redeems and restores all of the cosmos, just as God has redeemed you and me.
But as a student in seminary , I was challenged to believe that God also redeems and restores all of the cosmos, just as God has redeemed you and me.
If many current students come to seminary without fixed notions of biblical authority, how can a prime teaching goal continue to be disabusing students of rigidity?
If many current students come to seminary without fixed notions of biblical authority, how can a prime teaching goal continue to be disabusing students of rigidity?

Who can appreciate better than seminary students the incomprehensibility of God?

College and seminary students studying American religion will undoubtedly find this anthology on their required reading lists.
Definitions of yeshiva
These tended to be younger people, such as Bible college or seminary students.
When I was a student in seminary I had as an assignment to write a paper on Calvinism and Birth Control.
an Orthodox Jewish college or seminary.
The balance of clarity and detail makes this commentary useful for students of Paul in seminary and college courses.
Musar is now mostly a minor subject on the curriculum of yeshivas and seminaries.
For some time after its foundation, Manly was the only seminary in Australia preparing students for the secular priesthood.
Though the study attends to lay students enrolled in theologates, its main focus is seminarians preparing for the priesthood.
The decline in vocations, which began under Pius XII, has not been reversed and there is now one seminarist for every twelve priests.
In 1789 François became a seminarist , that is a student in an institution for training candidates for the priesthood.
Many, perhaps most, seminarians who believe they are being called to priesthood do not have a charism for celibacy - a graced aptitude for consecrated single life.
If seminaries are preparing students for professional ministry, this should be the focus of classes - not how-to-study sessions.
While the ascetic regime of an Italian seminarist in the late nineteenth century was of course alien - and sometimes alienating - I was impressed by his devotion and sincerity.
He introduced a bill to reduce military service from five years to three but to close the loopholes by which seminarists , students, and the rich could obtain exemption.
But when he gets into the car, the seminarist , still firm in his beliefs, reminds Dabii of the Koran prohibitions, the injunction that man must not kill.
Training must make available to seminarians the true ideals of serving the people of God in the person of Christ the Head in order to inspire them beyond the sterile identity which is clericalism.
I lived in the house as a seminarian, I had to perform the spiritual exercises that were expected of a seminarian , going to church every day, saying the rosary, visiting the blessed sacrament, spiritual reading.
Many priests and seminarians have always done this, and I hope this gives them the courage to know why and how they are both ‘sons and heirs’ of a true wisdom tradition.

Nếu bạn muốn thì đổi là Trường Đại Học Do Thái Chính Thống
Nếu bạn muốn thì đổi là Trường Đại Học Do Thái Chính Thống

Phiên bản lúc 21:18, ngày 11 tháng 12 năm 2015

Greenknight dv
Thành viên này là tín hữu
Kitô giáo.
9XThành viên này chào đời
trong thập niên 1990.
Người thành viên đóng góp này cho Wikipedia là nam giới.
Thành viên này quan tâm tới chủ đề Lịch sử Việt Nam
Thành viên này là người yêu thích
Địa lý
Thành viên này là một người yêu thích Sinh học
Thành viên này yêu thích Đế quốc Đông La Mã.

Có tất cả
loại người:
những người biết đọc số nhị phân và những người không biết đọc chúng.

Tên gọi trong tiếng Việt

Chào bạn. Xin cho hỏi những tên tiếng Việt cho các khái niệm gốc Hebrew như Mũ Nồi Lông, Mũ Sợ Chúa, Hộp Đựng Kinh, Chủng viện Do Thái, Tóc Do Thái v.v. bạn dẫn từ nguồn nào? Nghe lạ quá! Greenknight (thảo luận) 09:15, ngày 11 tháng 12 năm 2015 (UTC)

Dịch từ tiếng Latin phylacteri = hộp đựng kinh Tefillin (Askhenazic: /ˈtfɪlɨn/; Israeli Hebrew: [tfiˈlin], תפילין) also called phylacteries (/fɪˈlæktəriːz/ from Ancient Greek φυλακτήριον phylacterion, form of phylássein, φυλάσσειν meaning "to guard, protect") are a set of small black leather boxes containing scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah, which are worn by observant Jews during weekday morning prayers.

Mũ Sợ Chúa The Talmud states, "Cover your head in order that the fear of heaven may be upon you."[1] Rabbi Hunah ben Joshua never walked 4 cubits (6.6 feet, or 2 meters) with his head uncovered. He explained: "Because the Divine Presence is always over my head."[2] This was understood by Rabbi Yosef Karo in the Shulchan Arukh as indicating that Jewish men should cover their heads and should not walk more than four cubits bareheaded.[3] Covering one's head, such as by wearing a kippah, is described as "honoring God".[4] The Mishnah Berurah modifies this ruling, adding that the Achronim established it as a requirement to wear a head covering even when traversing less than four cubits,[5] and even when one is standing still, indoors and outside.[6] Kitzur Shulchan Aruch cites a story from the Talmud (Shabbat 156b) about Rav Nachman bar Yitzchok who might have become a thief had his mother not saved him from this fate by insisting that he cover his head, which instilled in him the fear of God.[7] In many communities, boys are encouraged to wear a kippah from a young age in order to ingrain the habit.[8]

Chủng viện Do Thái an Orthodox Jewish college or seminary. seminary is chủng viện Definitions of seminary noun a college that prepares students to be priests, ministers, or rabbis. I am very grateful for the many times not only seminary colleagues but also seminary students have ministered to me in times of terror or grief. synonyms: theological college, divinity school, rabbinical college, Talmudical college, Bible school/college, academy, training college, training institute, school Synonyms noun theological college, divinity school, rabbinical college, Talmudical college, Bible school/college, academy, training college, training institute, school Examples His book should be widely read by pastors, seminary students, and members of adult education classes in local congregations. This will be especially true of clergy and seminary students, particularly those in my care. Involvement in campus ministries was often the next step, typically at a denominational or private liberal arts college that sent substantial numbers of students on to seminary . The result is a fine introduction, useful for advanced lay groups, college students, and introductory seminary courses. We might risk preaching on the streets like seminary students in downtown Atlanta. Ask any Bible college or seminary how many of their students are from the UK. I am very grateful for the many times not only seminary colleagues but also seminary students have ministered to me in times of terror or grief. These books may be more attractive for use with college students than in seminary classes. Students often came to seminary because their church and community had decided that was to be their vocation. Education in this study is defined as whether or not a minister has received an advanced level of college and seminary training. In those days, there were few women clergy, very few women seminary professors, and not many women seminary students. But as a student in seminary , I was challenged to believe that God also redeems and restores all of the cosmos, just as God has redeemed you and me. If many current students come to seminary without fixed notions of biblical authority, how can a prime teaching goal continue to be disabusing students of rigidity?

Definitions of yeshiva noun an Orthodox Jewish college or seminary. Musar is now mostly a minor subject on the curriculum of yeshivas and seminaries. Synonyms noun yeshivah

Nếu bạn muốn thì đổi là Trường Đại Học Do Thái Chính Thống

Tóc Do Thái Payot là kiểu tóc mà người Do Thái sùng đạo cắt vì họ dựa vào kinh thánh. Vì vậy văn hóa Do Thái được xây dựng trên nềng tảng kinh thánh. Cho nên tóc Do thái nghe hợp lý vì chỉ có người Do Thái để kiểu tóc đó và họ có bằng chứng rõ ràng giải thích lý do tại sao họ để kiểu tóc đó.

Nếu bạn muốn thì có thể sửa thành Tóc Kinh Thánh cho chính xác ý nghĩa.

Nghe lạ là vì đó là văn hóa Do Thái và là văn hóa Kinh Thánh. Người Việt Nam chỉ quen thuộc với văn hóa Á Đông, Trung Quốc, Hàn Quốc, Nhật Bản, Thái Lan, Pháp, Mỹ.

  1. ^ Shabbat 156b.
  2. ^ Kiddushin 31a.
  3. ^ Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim, 2:6.
  4. ^ Shaar HaTzion, OC 2:6.
  5. ^ Ber Heitev, OC 2:6, note 4, who quotes the Bach, Taz and the Magen Avraham.
  6. ^ Mishnah Berurah 2:6, note 9, 10
  7. ^ KSA 3:6
  8. ^ Ber Heitev, OC 2:6, note 5